Miles Tsue

Software Developer and Freelance Musician

Thanks for stopping by.

I am an enthusiastic software developer and data analyst with a passion for creating beautiful web applications built on Python technologies and performing on the double bass






More about Me

I completed three advanced degrees in music before starting my professional journey in the technology industry.

Technologies I use:

HTML5, CSS3, Git, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Python, C

Recent Projects

These are a few of the projects I have completed or collaborated on.

Music Classification

Final collaborative project for the UC Berkeley Bootcamp. Employs machine learning and data visualizations to analyze musical samples across various genres.



CS50 MOOC final project. A web app which personalizes a user's thoughts using Python Flask.

Code Live Demo

News Aggregator

A web app using Python Flask. A personal project which uses various APIs for common major news outlets to aggregate a user's news content.



Georgia Institute of Technology

Master's Degree in Computer Science | August 2023 - Present

UC Berkeley Extension

Data Analytics | Nov 2020 - May 2021

Colburn Conservatory of Music

Professional Studies Certificate in Double Bass Performance | Aug 2018 - May 2020

San Francisco Conservatory of Music

M.M. in Double Bass Performance | Aug 2016 - May 2018

California State University Sacramento

B.M. in Double Bass Performance | Aug 2011 - May 2015

I'm available for work.

Actively contributing to new projects and seeking a full-time role in a fast-paced, agile environment. Get in touch!

Contact Me